Okay quick run down of the week. We went to Bologna
for a scambio, saw a member in the hospital, volunteered at a nursing home, saw
Two different Sandras, and did some finding.
But seeing as this could be my last letter home
because I may not have time next week to write or the will because I will just
see you guys a few days later I just wanted to talk to you guys a little bit
less about what I did and a bit more about what I'm feeling.
With the mission coming to a close it's been a
roller coaster of emotions and I'm stoked out of my mind to see you guys. I
can't believe that the time has passed so fast. I'm so grateful for this time
I've had to serve and the memories I've made, lessons I've learned, and people
I've met and served will always be worth more than all the gelato, pizza, and
Italian shoes in the world.
There were lots of great times on the mission, there
were hard times that now looking back are good because of what came out of
them, and there was everything in between.
I read this quote the other day that I really liked
that made me think about my mission.
"Real charity is not something you give away; it
is something that you acquire and make a part of yourself. And when the virtue
of charity becomes implanted in your heart, you are never the same again."
-Elder Marvin J Ashton
Charity is the pure love of Christ. I'm no where close
to having the amount of charity that the Savior has for us but I feel so
blessed that He has allowed me to taste of how amazing it is. It truly does
just fill your soul and helps you know that at the end of the day everything
will be okay because God loves you and everyone around you. We can't acquire
this trait until we have felt it. But I hope that everyone can just take a
minute to think about how much God loves every single one of us here on this
earth. Even ourselves, as imperfect as we might be and all the weaknesses that
we may see in ourselves. See ourselves with the potential that God sees in us.
Try to feel of that love and through that love, there begins to be a light at
the end of the tunnel that we didn't think could possibly be there. The more we
search for His love, for Jesus Christ, more light comes into our lives.
Now I'm changed
and I can never be the same again. Nor, do I want to be the same again. I've
felt too much love for other people and the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ have for me. I'm so grateful for the opportunity the Lord has given me
to serve and for all of you who have supported me through it.
I will see you soon and be giving you all a big giant
hug!! I love you all!
Piadina family night!
Casual day in Bologna for scambio
P day in San Marino with all the sorelle in the zone
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