Sister Rebekah Anderson

Sister Rebekah Anderson

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

WOW - May 11, 2016

My companion says when you don't understand what they said just say
                                WOW.. Haha
Porca miseria (pig misery), you use it when you're mad haha.
On Wednesday- We went to the market in the morning and it was so cool!
Of course we went to see the tower and get gelato. It was a lot of
fun. Sorella Visconti showed me her favorite European stores.
Thursday- I was finally able to meet Simonetta. She's an investigator
and we worked on her garden with her. She then made us Silician pasta.
It was delicious and looked like it was pretty easy to make so I got
the recipe. I already know I won't make it as good. We went to
Florence for an exchange with the STLs.(Not sure what it stands for)
Florence is beautiful but it seems like it's quite bigger than Pisa.
Friday- we finished the exchange and I met the Goris. They have a
little 7 year old girl and I love Sorella Gori. She is so sweet and
strong. She's from Brazil and so we ate Brazilian.
Saturday- We had a BBQ! It was so much fun. It helped me learn a lot
about the members and get to know them. They are sweet and all of them
are so strong! I can't wait to keep building a relationship with them.
One of the members is from America and brought root beer. It was funny
to watch all the faces when the Italians tried it haha. They thought
it was gross.
Sunday- We visited Nonna and thanked her being a good example of a
strong woman for us. It was nice to see her again. She helps me learn
Italian and always says how Tuscany is the best place to learn Italian
because it is the "official" dialect of Italian. Then we got to talk
to our families! It's always so hard to say goodbye. But I loved
getting to see their beautiful faces!
Monday- We saw Ersi and Eni today and were able to teach them about
individual worth. This is something that I pray they recognize in
themselves. They have an amazing light and I know that God has a
divine plan for them. We also had pizza at the Di Ruscio's. It's
always a fun night over there. Sorella Di Ruscio has a son in South
Africa and she was so happy to have been able to tak to him.
Tuesday- This was amazing day! We were able to meet with Anna again.
She's from Albania and is 21 with two kids. Her husband works a lot
and so she is home alone a lot. I can't wait to get to know her better
and be her friend. I hope that we can help her in some way, shape, or
form. Even if it's just helping her know that she is never alone.
Everyday when I do my personal study with the Book of Mormon or
general conference talks I always receive something that seems to
speak just to me. I wish I could share everything I learn but that
would take forever. I guess that's what eternity is going to be for;)
Choices in our lives are not important if we don't know where we want
to go or who we want to be. Everyone makes mistakes and may repeat the
same mistake over. Repentance and becoming better is a process, not an
overnight change. It begins with baby steps. Through Christ it is
never too late to change. I'm grateful for this mission because it has
become a process where I know that I will change. I'm not going to be
the missionary I want to be overnight. I do hope that by taking things
one step at a time, baby steps, I will get there one day.
Have a wonderful week. I love you all!

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